Get to know Marilyn in this bio, written by her daughter:
Those of you who know Marilyn, know she has a heart for Christ. Her dedication to her family, friends, community and fellow believers is evidence of the love she has accepted from her Lord and Saviour over 30 years ago.
Throughout her relationship with Christ, Marilyn has grown in sanctification and grace. She grew up in Porcupine, completed her nursing education in Toronto, and moved back to Timmins to marry her high school sweetheart, Doug. Doug and Marilyn lovingly and sacrificially raised their two children, Darren and Alana. During this time, Marilyn went back to school to become a nurse practitioner. Throughout this program her dependence on the Lord deepened and through His strength, and the support of Doug, she managed to balance family and work.
Marilyn has been a member of First Baptist Church for about 25 years and has a strong background in the Anglican Church. Now that she is retired, Marilyn has found her calling in teaching ladies bible studies, being everyone’s listening ear, encouraging others and learning as much as she humanly can about God.
Her greatest joy is in her Lord, her loving and humble husband, her children, grandson and newly acquired son-in-law. Marilyn spends her days caring for her family, praying, reading and studying God’s word. She can be found daily listening to the concerns of her friends and family and lifting them to the Lord together.
Marilyn’s gentle and humble heart is growing constantly more like Jesus. Her participation in the lives of others is such a blessing. Her ministry has now extended to the Oversight Team which she will no doubt do her ultimate best for His glory.